
 Click here for a video version of this song!

to the tune of Kingsfold

Lady Liberty strode across the plains all dressed in feathers and rags.
Her feet were bare, and the stars in her hair had wandered from their flag. 
She trailed her hand through the spacious sky and she walked through cities and farms 
To where grain-heads roved in an amber sea, to the oceans spreading shining arms.

She searched in trees and under stones and in houses, darkened and light
And she looked in the eyes of passers-by, but was hidden from their sight.
From the gulf in the South, to the lakes in the North, to the hills and prairies wide,
Every highway stretch, every rest stop bench, empty rooms and lost waysides.

She was noble-born so she noble stood, though disgloried and alone
With her bleeding face, and her searching gaze, and her torn and soiled old clothes.
So I asked her why she searched so long; had she found what she sought across the land?
She shook her head and then she said, "I am searching for a free man."

Beauty is only one shot of light from that inexpressible center ...
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