Paleozoic Soup

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There's a chamber where you sleep,
Psychic visions of the deep,
Where the waves are rolling over your mind.
And the memories bound in lime
In the dark will sometimes shine,
And the earth's unceasing curve will loose from time
And something ancient will awake;
The trilobites will sing
A chorus of salt-drenched life,
And the fish are breathing air
And the lizards breathing sea,
And the creatures with no name are all there.

A sun that's younger than a dream,
So you ask it what it means,
And it says, "D'you think this all could come from chance?"
And you say, "I hardly know,"
But you wonder how you'd show
If the ammonites would ask you to dance.
And something ancient will awake;
The trilobites will sing
A chorus of salt-drenched life,
And the fish are breathing air
And the lizards breathing sea,
And the creatures with no name are all there.

So you listen to the dead,
Watch the crinoids wave their heads,
And the insects start to crawl up on the land.
But if you could sink down
Beyond the waves, beyond the ground,
If the hourglass could spill out all its sand
To a time before time
Where primordial waters rage,
Before he said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT,"
Even then, could you see
That it was meant to be?
That even creatures never seen have a name?

And something ancient will awake;
The trilobites will sing
A chorus of salt-drenched life,
And the fish are breathing air
And the lizards breathing sea,
And the creatures with no name are all there.

Beauty is only one shot of light from that inexpressible center ...
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