The Landsmaid's Song

to the tune of "A Thousand Kisses Deep" by Leonard Cohen

Though I am old with wandering, 
I am as young as tears,
For when I fell -- oh, long I fell -- 
I was but sixteen years. 
Your scales agleam, your eyes afire 
Your cold and ancient song; 
I longed to live a life with you 
A thousand summers long. 

We lay upon the rocks and spoke
Of what has always been
Of whitened shells, and icy depths
And mysteries kept therein;
For you were old, as old as earth
And fierce and wild and strong.
Still I, a lonely child, desired
A thousand summers long.

You'd not accept my mortal hand
And warned me stay away,
But my passion spurned the land
For we were in the fray
Twined into one, already lost
And gently drawn along.
I swore I'd go, and pay the cost
A thousand summers long.

I found a ship; I meant to seek
The golden evening tree
That bears the burning apples of
For I had heard, the legends tell
Of youth's eternal song,
And of its curse that follows then
A thousand summers long.

Led by stars, and tossed by waves
Where you below did sleep,
For you knew not my purposed heart
As fixed as mountains deep.
To where the sun did touch the sea
There we came headlong,
And in my youthful heart I dreamed
Of thousand summers long.

At last I stood on rosy ground
Lit by the setting sun
And plucked the fruit, though I admit
I hesitated once.
Its fiery pulp burned into me
And scorched my mind and tongue
And something deep inside me turned
A thousand summers long.

Then sailing home, the rain did come
And in the storm we fought;
Then dashed our fragile ship on stones;
Was this the curse I brought?
Though by a hair the rest escaped,
My need I'd not prolong,
And so I slipped into your arms
A thousand summers long.

Your fathomless and turning depths
About my head enclosed,
Your fishlike hands upraised my head
And bore me back alone.
Upon the shore, I kissed your lips
And there beneath the dawn,
We swore an oath of endless love
A thousand summers long.

But nights grow old, and moons grow pale,
Though each year was sweet;
And waves draw back and leave the shore
All barren in the heat.
Not yet a hundred years and then--
Though my roots were strong--
Your fickle waters would not stay
A thousand summers long.

I touched the waves; I rose to go;
I left you in the deep.
But twisting cold, and tossing slow
As oceans in my sleep,
Each outworn shell, and notched bone
Reminds me of my wrong.
But can I rue the seeds I've sown
A thousand summers long?

For it was worth your liquid touch
And nights we reached above
And stretched a mortal hand to brush
The asymptote of love.
For I'd not change my choice of you
Though grief is old and strong,
I'd not give up the pain you've left
A thousand summers long.

And to break my solemn oath
Would be a perjury,
For though your promise proved a lie
Mine true shall always be.
Though old the earth, and old the sun
And circling days are long,
The nights I treasure what I've lost
A thousand summers long.

Though I am old with wandering
I am as young as tears
And in my youth, I now realize
The curse of thousand years.
But still I wait for your return
And listen for your song,
For I would live it all again
A thousand summers long.

Beauty is only one shot of light from that inexpressible center ...
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